Upcoming Quizzes & Tests

Upcoming Quizzes/Tests:

Special Note:  All Think Central Math assignements are due by 8:00am on the date of the test. The assignements are created to assist with reviewing material and are best completed prior to test day to assist with learning, not just award extra credit.

enlightened4/30 Unit 6 Lessons 2 & 5 Quizzes 

mail5/02 Ch. 12 Mid quiz.

enlightened5/07 Unit 7 Lesson 2 & UNit 8 Lesson 1 Quizzes 

enlightened5/09 Plant Benchmark Quiz 

mail5/10 Ch. 12 End quiz.

mail5/15 Ch. 12 Test. Think Central work due by 8:00 am. 

mail5/18 Money Test.